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This Category: Vector is either empty, or sparsely populated, and needs to be 'populated' with articles, stubs (and / or other categories) relevant to the subject matter of this specific category. Include an article page in this category via one (or more) of three methods: |
Category: Vector — this category here on WikiIndex contains a list of wiki sites that use, or are able to use Vector, a MediaWiki skin. Vector is a skin for MediaWiki which became default on 2010-05-13 (MediaWiki 1.17, git #2833b07a), succeeding MonoBook. The Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) launched Vector on all its wikis in 2010, having created it in 2009 as part of the work done by the Wikipedia Usability Initiative.
This skin is available to be used by wiki sites hosted by Miraheze.
- Other wiki engines
Vector is also used as the name of a skin from other wiki engines, including DokuWiki and PmWiki.
- External links
- Skin: Vector (id: 11823) — list of wiki sites using the Vector skin, at (founded 2011), the wiki site for detailed information on all MediaWiki-powered websites
- Skin: Vector legacy (2010) (id: 297185) — list of wiki sites using the Vector legacy (2010) skin, at (founded 2011), the wiki site for detailed information on all MediaWiki-powered websites
- Skin: Vector 2022 (id: 294214) — list of wiki sites using the Vector 2022 skin, at (founded 2011), the wiki site for detailed information on all MediaWiki-powered websites
- Vector for DokuWiki — at
- Vector for PmWiki — at
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Pages in category “Vector”
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,317 total.
(previous page) (next page)1
- AARoads Wiki
- Abkhazian Wikipedia
- Acuariofilia
- Ada Developers Academy Wiki
- Afar Wikipedia
- Afrikaans Wikipedia
- Afrikaans Wikiwoordeboek
- Akan Wikipedia
- Akan Wiktionary
- Alaska Wiki
- Albanian Anarchopedia
- Albanian Wikinews
- Albanian Wiktionary
- AlchemistryWiki
- Alemannic Wiktionary
- Alemannische Wikipedia
- Alex - Core Platform Team
- AlexanderMen
- All The Tropes
- Stadtwiki-Allmende
- Alternate History (Miraheze)
- Amharic Wikipedia
- Amharic Wiktionary
- Animalpedia (Miraheze)
- Aniwall
- Ansaikuropedia
- Anti-Wikia Alliance
- Apertium
- Arabic Anarchopedia
- Arabic Wikinews
- Arabic Wikipedia
- Arabic Wikisource
- Arabic Wikiversity
- Arabic Wiktionary
- Aragonés Biquipedia
- Aramaic Wikipedia
- Archive Team
- ArdKorPedia
- Argumentrix
- Armenian Anarchopedia
- Armenian Wikipedia
- Armenian Wiktionary
- ARMS Institute
- ARRSEPedia
- Artigpedia
- Asheron's Call Community Wiki
- Asian Canadian Wiki
- Asturianu Uiquipedia
- Audiences Technology Working Group
- Audiovisual Identity Database (Miraheze)
- Automotive and Web Platform Business Group
- Avar Wiktionary
- Avañe'ẽ Vikipetã
- Awesome Games Wiki
- Aymara Wikipidiya
- Aymara Wiktionary
- Azurilland Wiki
- Azurilland Wiki (pt-br)
- Azərbaycan Vikipediya
- The Bad Webcomics Wiki (ShoutWiki)
- Bahaipedia
- Bahasa Indonesia Wikipedia
- Bahasa Indonesia Wiktionary
- Bahasa Melayu Wikikamus
- Bahasa Melayu Wikipedia
- Bahá'í9 Wiki
- Bakugan Wiki (
- Baldur's Gate 3 Wiki
- Bambara Wikipedia
- Bambara Wiktionary
- Banjar Wikipedia
- Banyumasan Wikipedia
- Basa Jawa Wikipedia
- Basa Sunda Wikikamus
- Basa Sunda Wikipédia
- Battlestar.Wiki
- Beidipedia
- Bengali Wikipedia
- Bengali Wikiquote
- Bengali Wikisource
- Bengali Wikivoyage
- Bengali Wiktionary
- Berghapedia
- Beschlussdatenbank der SPD Schleswig-Holstein
- Beyond politics
- Bglwiki
- Bhamwiki
- Bihari Wikipedia
- Bihari Wiktionary
- Bildungsverein Region Karlsruhe
- Bioeticawiki
- Biosite
- Biowikifarm Metawiki
- Biquipédia
- Biquizionario
- Birdpedia
- Bishnupriya Manipuri Wikipedia
- Bislama Wikipedia
- Bislama Wiktionary
- Bisq Wiki
- Bitcoin Wiki (en)
- Bluepages
- Boarischn Wikipedia
- Bosanska Wikipedia
- Bose L1 Encyclopedia FAQ
- Bosnian Anarchopedia
- Bosnian Wikinews
- Brezhoneg Wikipedia
- Brickimedia Meta
- Brickipedia
- The Brighton Toy and Model Index
- Brongersma
- Buginese Wikipedia
- Bulbagarden Archives
- Bulbanews
- Bulbapedia
- Bulgarian Wikinews
- Bulgarian Wikipedia
- Bulgarian Wikiquote
- Burmese Wikipedia
- Burmese Wiktionary
- Bân-lâm-gú Wikipedia
- C4 Wiki
- CAcert in Berlin
- Cambodian Wiktionary
- Campfire Wiki
- Cantonese Wikipedia
- Cantonese Wikivoyage (Orain)
- Cashwiki
- Catalan Wikinews
- Catalan Wikipedia
- Catalan Wikisource
- Cathopedia
- Cathopedia (de)
- Cathopedia (en)
- Cathopedia (es)
- Cathopedia (it)
- Cathopedia (ro)
- Celwyddoniadur
- Central Bicolano Wikipedia
- Chamorro Wikipedia
- Chaos Computer Club Dresden
- Chavacano de Zamboanga Wikipedia
- Cherokee Wikipedia
- Cherokee Wiktionary
- Chess Programming Wiki (MediaWiki)
- ChiliWiki
- Chinese Anarchopedia
- Chinese Wikinews
- Chinese Wikipedia
- Chinese Wikisource
- Chinese Wikivoyage
- Chinese Wiktionary
- Chocolate Doom
- Choctaw Wikipedia
- Citizendium
- Clash of Clans France
- Classical Chinese Wikipedia
- Club Penguin Fanon Wiki
- Club Penguin Wiki
- Clínica Spa Lagoas do Maceió
- Combine OverWiki
- Commons Archive
- Community Owned digital Preservation Tool Registry
- Complaint Wiki
- Conker Wiki (Grifkuba)
- ConShell
- Conspiracy List Wiki
- Consumer Action Taskforce
- Consumerium
- Core Platform Team
- Cornelis Drebbel
- Cornish Wiktionary
- Corsu Wikizziunariu
- Crappy Games Wiki
- Crash Bandicoot Wiki (Grifkuba)
- Creative Commons Wiki
- Cree Wiktionary
- Crimean Tatar Vikipediya
- Croatian Anarchopedia
- Croatian Wiktionary
- CWCki
- CWRE - Center for Wingnut Remedial Education
- CyanogenMod
- Cybersecurity Wiki
- Cymraeg Wicipedia
- Czech Wikinews