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16-Mar-2006: is WikiIndex's 60 day mark. Yea!!
16-May-2006: is WikiIndex's 2nd 60 day mark. Yea!!
Open meeting called a happening to celebrate and work together as we go forward.


Mondays - 10:15pm EST, 9:15pm CST, 7:15pm PST
This is Tuesday 02:15 UTC
Tuesday 9:15am (GMT+7) Bangkok - thank you! ;)


This wiki
Irc freenode - irc://irc.freenode.net/wikiindex #wikiindex
Skype - tedernst, markdilley, rathbone (Raymond King), chinarut
SyncroEdit - in our dreams (i humbly suggest we use writely short term - I can invite everyone to the same page tomorrow)


Agenda setting

i agree - in retrospect, i believe it belongs on the Asia Commons wiki long term. it's like there is a universe of the "conversation wiki" that stores all the discussions of the world. this would help keep your wiki clean provided there is a clean integration between this entity and the matrix of wiki. Chinarut 04:17, 3 July 2006 (EDT)
a question to the community: does the conversation that exists in the wikiindex represent the meta of all conversations?!? Chinarut 04:17, 3 July 2006 (EDT)
I read Ross Mayfield's entry and made a significant edit to the AC wiki pledge for collaboration. I request we discuss the merits of creating pledges amongst communities more than the technical side of it. 09:23, 3 July 2006 (EDT)

In process

Putting the add wiki several places
how we communicate
John look names at leisure. (??)


while we're working and thinking on them

  • .js functionality
    • admins only possibility?
    • how does wikipedia protect itself?
    • backup procedure
  • linking images using this fancy way tabled as a massive undertaking - fancier) need to make a project for an ambitious person(s).

Tasks done

  • no follow is off
  • add procedure and project unknowns, do we keep first additional or not?
  • Category:StructuredDataProblem - fixed, needs tags removed
  • RecentChangeCamp article addition of mention of WikiIndex
  • WikiNode
  • we prefer and encourage RealNames
    • if there is a sudonym we don't make a main page, they are user:psudonym
  • Categorization - related tag or rel tag -- related
  • Front page clean up, one suggestion WikiIndex:VersionTwo
  • CamelCase thoughts on WikiIndex instead of Wiki Index
    • MarkDilley did this, no one mentioned that they didn't like it...
    • like to be clear on the intent: so when a page for CommunicationPage is created, the link will become live without having to edit wiki pages all over the place?