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WikiXL™ kennismanagementplatform (en: knowledge management platform) is a Dutch wiki host from ArchiXL, headquartered at Nijverheidsweg Noord 60A-27, 3812 PM Amersfoort, Nederland; KvK (Chamber of Commerce) number 05084421.
WikiXL™ is a semantic wiki platform that makes it easy to share data, information and knowledge inside and outside your organisation. It makes it possible to make structured information available, in addition to texts, resulting in a rich combination of content. It is based on standard open source software, can be customised and is offered 'as a Service'.
Below we list the main features of the WikiXL™ platform
- WikiXL™ is based on MediaWiki's open source software
A big advantage is the recognisability: everyone is familiar with Wikipedia, the internet encyclopaedia that is based on the same platform;
- WikiXL™ uses semantic technology
This records information in a structured form and allows to define search queries and views on the information. This gives users a friendly and accessible view of the information and provides additional insights. It also makes it possible to define your own analyses;
- WikiXL™ is interactive
The platform supports collaboration, where anyone can contribute and comment on others' content. As with Wikipedia, employees can update content themselves;
- WikiXL™ can combine information from multiple sources
By bringing information from multiple sources together, a knowledge portal is created, in which information can be offered in combination. This makes information more accessible;
- WikiXL™ is a cloud-based platform
You only pay for use and do not have to install, host and manage the software yourself. That means you don't have to invest in developing or acquiring software, or acquiring technical knowledge and expertise for management. WikiXL™ works with any common browser and requires no special plugins;
- WikiXL™ is customisable
You can, for example, adjust access rights or have them adjusted or set up your own design that perfectly matches the house style of your organisation. We have several skins available for this, including a national corporate identity skin.
There is a rich collection of – optional – extensions available for the WikiXL™ platform, which extend the functionality under the name SmartSuite™. With the components from SmartSuite™ you create a powerful platform that optimally utilises all the possibilities of the semantic wiki. The main ones are:
- SmartCore™ is an extension to easily configure knowledge models. A knowledge model determines the structure and data model of the information in the wiki and thus forms the basis. New elements, properties or relations can easily be added or changed. With this extension it is also possible to define the presentation of elements on the screen differently per element type, based on templates;
- SmartConnect™ provides a interface for importing and exporting ArchiMate™ models from any architecture tool, as long as it supports the ArchiMate Exchange Format standard from The Open Group. You can provide the models with context information, and connect the models with knowledge from other sources;
- SmartAccess™ makes it possible to support login based on your own user administration. Users use their default username and password or do not need to log in if they are already logged in to another application of your organisation. Integration with Active Directory Federation Services, SAML and SURFcontext are supported. The latter is a standard that has been developed specifically for education and is offered by SURF;
- SmartBooks™ offers the possibility to bundle wiki pages and export them to a file in ODF, DOC(X), TXT, PDF or ePUB format. That file can then be read on a device such as PC, laptop, tablet, e-reader or smartphone. When exporting, formatting – as far as possible – remains the same as that of the wiki pages themselves. Each document is provided with correct page numbering, table of contents and so on;
- SmartFeedback™ allows wiki users to comment on wiki pages in a user-friendly manner via forms linked to the 'Talk' tab displayed on each wiki page. Editors can respond to the comments, and monitor and manage the status of each comment. They can also make overviews of outstanding comments;
- SmartPublish™ offers a protected development wiki in which you can work on new content or changes to existing content. This enables a controlled editing and publication process. With this protected environment we also install a publishing mechanism that automatically ensures the publication of approved wiki pages, from the development to the publishing environment;
- Your wiki can be reached via its own URL. By default, wikis are accessible via With this extension you can choose your own URL, for example We take care of the application, management and timely replacement of the necessary certificates for security.
External links
- Farm: WikiXL (id: 246072) — list of wiki sites (active and defunct) hosted on the WikiXL wiki farm, at (founded 2011), the wiki site for detailed information on all MediaWiki-powered websites