Goatopedia — The Totally Unofficial Royal Air Force wiki encylopaedia; like wikipedia, but more factual! – hosted by serving members of the Royal Air Force (RAF); for all currently serving members of the RAF, former members, future members, cadet forces members; and anyone else interested in the worlds' oldest air force.
The BEST unofficial RAF resource on the 'net; Goatopedia contains articles which range from the highly factual, to the utterly irrelevant – with a liberal dose of 'forces humour' – so if easily offended, some articles may verge on being offensive! Read all about the worlds greatest combat aircraft, along with a tongue-in-cheek read of our blue attire, along with a profile of our boss of the whole shebang.
We even have the world-famous RAFanasaurus – for all things on 'RAF-speak' . . . ranging from an Admin Dump to a Zob – and where you can learn the difference between a Timmy and a Tommy. Be careful though, don't overdo it, because it could all end up coming out of the Ying Yang !!
Visit the main 'host' site for the Goatopedia, E-Goat – The Totally Unofficial Royal Air Force Rumour Network at E-Goat.co.uk – and see which forces charity our members are supporting this year.
Please note – it is highly doubtful you will find any info on real goats on the Goatopedia . . .
Wiki size: | 1,106 article pages see stats |
(As of: 28 June 2011)
See also
- ARRSEPedia – the 'ARmy Rumour SErvice' for the British Army
- Royal Air Force Wiki – another unofficial Royal Air Force wiki encylopaedia
External links
- Goatopedia – the Royal Air Force wiki [dead link]
- E-Goat – The Totally Unofficial Royal Air Force Rumour Network – main host site for the Goatopedia