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Encyclopedia Gamia

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Revision as of 20:59, 4 April 2012 by Emijrp (talk | contribs) (Text replace - "{{ *[Ww]iki *(\|) * *w" to "{{Wiki $1w")
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[{{{URL}}} {{{logo}}}] [{{{URL}}} Encyclopedia Gamia]
[{{{recentchanges URL}}} Recent changes]
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Founded by:
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Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: [[:Category:{{{maintopic}}}|{{{maintopic}}}]]


The aim of Gameinfo Wikia is to have information on every game ever created, especially computer games, but not excluding other genres such as board games, card games, and even sports.

The reason for including these other forms of games is that many computer games are often a form of these other kinds of games. For instance, there are many computer and console games about American football and basketball, so why not give them their own sections?

Egamia (the Encyclopedia Gamia) merged with Gameinfo Wiki.

Wiki size: unknown size