Mech Mice Fanon Wiki

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Revision as of 23:14, 15 January 2013 by Feey1 (talk | contribs)
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Mmfanonw-logo.png Mech Mice Fanon Wiki
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Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: Wikia
Wiki license: CC-BY-SA"CC-BY-SA" is not in the list (Custom license, Attribution to contributing authors, Copyright to contributing authors, Site retains copyright, WTFPL, Licence Art Libre, Open Content License, Apache License, BSD Documentation License, FreeBSD Documentation License, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki license" property.
Main topic: Mech Mice

The Mech Mice Fanon Wiki is a young, wiki created on May 8, 2012, on It currently only has one active editor, and has one other member of the community. The wiki was founded by Feey1, whom is currently the only bureaucrat on the wiki. The wiki has a sister wiki (though found long before) known as the Mech Mice Wiki, and they both link to each other. The wiki is also linked to by the Club Penguin Fanon Wiki.


  • Despite being a fan fiction of the up-coming game, Mech Mice, the wiki was founded long before the release of the game.
    • It is, however, also a fan fiction wiki of the book, Mech Mice Genesis Strike.
Wiki size: 46 article pages see stats