World Naked Bike Ride

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Main topic: Bicycling


World Naked Bike Ride (WNBR) is a highly organised, if a little dormant wiki, operational since 2006, on the very interesting activity of organised cycle rides whilst naked!

Print and broadcast media are actively canvassed to cover the events to publicise their aims. It's dress code is "Bare As You Dare"... there is no compulsion to cycle completely naked if you are personally uncomfortable, and some cyclists will partake with just their intimate parts covered.

To quote directly from their welcome page:

"Every year, in cities around the world, people ride bikes naked to celebrate cycling, and the human body.

The ride demonstrates the vulnerability of cyclists on the road, and is a protest against car culture.

Most rides in 2012 will take place around the following dates:

  • Southern Hemisphere: Saturday 10 March 2012
  • Northern Hemisphere: Saturday 9 June 2012 and Saturday 28 July 2012 (because June can be a tad cold for many cities there will be two dates for the Northern Hemisphere ride in 2012).

The wiki is supplementary to the official World Naked Bike Ride site.

On this site you'll find a list of rides around the world. Please sign up to one of these, or start your own! See the sections below for more information.

Ride coordinators can also edit pages using this site's democratic wiki system (using the 'edit' tab at the top of each page and beside each headline).

Note for journalists: Press and media are advised to check the list of rides for local press contacts. Some locations have their own press enquiry pages (eg: UK press enquiries)."

Wiki size: 341 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 52 info / verify

(As of: 17 January 2012)

See also
