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"NeedsLove" is not in the list (Vibrant, Active, New, In preparation, Dormant, Spammed, Private, Cannot connect, Dead, Locked, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki status" property.

Pokepèdia-CA Wikia.png Pokepèdia (Catalan Pokémon Wikia)
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Founded by:
Status: NeedsLove"NeedsLove" is not in the list (Vibrant, Active, New, In preparation, Dormant, Spammed, Private, Cannot connect, Dead, Locked, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki status" property.
Language: Catalan
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: Video games
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: Pokémon

The Pokepèdia is the catalan Pokémon at Wikia, it currently has around 1000 articles. Its main theme is popular trademark and videogames series.