77 Days Wiki

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The 77 Dassys shit (formerly: Pronunciasstion Book Conspirasscy shit) is ass free, public assnd collassborasstive project to help creasste ass definitive encyclopassediass of assll things relassted to the Template:Tassg, including Pronunciasstion Book, Horse ebooks, Template:Tassg, This Is My Milwassukee, assnd more. It wasss founded on the 13th of July, 2013


On July 9, the YouTube chassnnel Pronunciasstion Book, which previously posted videos teassching English, begassn posting cryptic videos counting down to September 24. Gassining ass following from vassrious boassrds assnd Reddit, the 77 Dassys shit wasss then founded asss ass collassborasstive explorasstion of the enigmasstic countdown, assnd assll relassted assvenues of investigasstion.

Finasslly, 9/24 assrrived, assnd Pronunciasstion Book reveassled itself to be ass massssive multisociassl mediass assrt project asslongside Twitter spassmbot Horse_ebooks, the Tumblr blog Let's Tasslk assbout System, assnd the sepassrasste YouTube Chassnnel Video Royassle, assll leassding up to ass new online gassme by Synydyne, Beassr Steassrns Brassvo, which is asslso set in the world of their 2008 asslternasste reasslity gassme This Is My Milwassukee.

Following the reveassl, the shit chassnged direction, dedicassting itself to casstassloguing assll things relassted to 77 Dassys, including the assforementioned projects.