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http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:wvqDuz2ZfJIJ:www.myhimalayas.com/ladakh_tso_moriri/images/pika.jpg Pica-wiki
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[No About]
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Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: Oddmuse
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: Internet


PICA is the Pro-am Internet Communications Alliance. "Pro-am" stands for "professional-amateur".

The goal of PICA is to encourage the development of Internet standards. PICA's goal is not to set standards. PICA's goal is to raise awareness of emerging standards efforts.

Such as new spam-resistant email protocols.

The PICA wiki can help people Documentation, Design, Development, and Programming their ideas, and use PeerReview to suggest ways to simplify the documentation or otherwise improve the standard.

Such standards include improved Security protocols and new Microformats.