Template:WikiStats by S23.org MediaWiki projects table

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Revision as of 23:34, 1 September 2018 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (source links, wikilinks)
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Table of wiki projects powered by MediaWiki (view template)

External source, dynamically sortable to any criteria, self-updating every six hours by cronjob, last updated 2014-12-30, from WikiStats by S23.org

External source, generated wikisyntax, from WikiStats by S23.org, which manually is being pasted below

WikiStats by S23.org – statistics about projects powered by MediaWiki
project good total edits admins users images
1 Wikipedias 33465820 124286013 1904654373 4096 49656779 2293749
2 Wiktionaries 21608290 25303929 135361036 450 3160736 4543
3 MediaWikis 14724994 91935955 305171570 8038085 36392335 8675299
4 Wikia 13472491 44487589 162621679 42662 4161735 6756622
5 Wikisources 4072484 6124789 22077641 293 2252616 39194
6 WM specials 703583 38109099 178660415 1440 14117729 21934031
7 Metapedias 242852 656412 1917035 364 26892 190670
8 Uncyclomedia 212313 1838168 18409459 522 4163148 720320
9 Wikinews 211724 2213227 12696111 170 1856564 5607
10 Wikibooks 199344 697526 7037806 186 2468561 42092
11 Wikiquotes 173481 613817 6028953 186 2220792 1261
12 EditThis.info 131221 1836384 2824487 1732 169106 18839
13 wikisite 128381 2655672 1760362 4015 1543304 85431
14 shoutwiki 113916 311743 1175242 524 470254 62557
15 neoseeker 70345 208819 553515 0 1157647 97610
16 wikiversity 68517 317366 2912091 92 1860432 22977
17 wikitravel 61482 169867 3094834 138 94264 18210
18 wikifur 25277 108462 617965 94 12775 20655
19 scoutwiki 21477 78896 1112446 98 20484 13564
20 anarchopedias 16105 61777 386827 240 201105 2296
21 gentoo 1724 10601 73483 30 33743 388
22 opensuse 0 0 0 0 0 0

Grand Total

good articles total articles edits admins users images
89 725 821 342 026 111 2 769 147 330 8 095 417 126 041 001 41 005 915