Template:Private boilerplate

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Revision as of 20:02, 13 July 2018 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (<references/>)
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This is the boilerplate template for template:Private. If you have determined that a wiki is 'Private', meaning you are denied access, but believe the wiki to be active (or you have access, but know it is private), then you may use the following boilerplate if you only have its main page URL. However, if you are aware of more of its URLs, such as: 'recent changes', 'about', 'statistics', etc., or know other identifying information such as: 'engine', 'license', 'maintopic', etc., please consider using our main infobox template: template:Wiki, and use file:Private.png as its logo.

  • Highlight the following boilerplate text and copy to your clipboard (Ctrl-c from your keyboard) and then paste it (Ctrl-v) at the top of the private wiki edit box.
|URL    = PrivateWikiURL <!--start with http:// or https:// - eg: https://PrivateWikiURL.com, if unknown: 'UnknownWikiURL'-->
|founder= <!--wiki founder(s) name(s); default is plain text, wikilink only to existing article, if unknown leave void-->

<<<--Full description of Private wiki goes here-->>>


It would also be helpful to add the year of founding, like so...