Miraheze Developer's Wiki
Wiki size: | 162 article pages see stats |
Miraheze Developers Wiki is a community owned repository for anyone to obtain templates, JavaScript, CSS, or Lua modules for their Miraheze wiki.
Templates are a headache to disentangle, understand, install and maintain. Miraheze already makes life considerably easier for wiki admins, allowing them to focus on adding content instead of diverting time and energy to keeping up with the upgrade-debug race.
For full functionality, MediaWiki ought to ship with templates bundled in, but there is no sign of this happening any time soon. Miraheze wiki admins either write their own templates, or export them from elsewhere, e.g. Wikipedia.org. This is a wasteful dispersion of effort in place of collaboration.
Use the community portal for any meta discussions (about the wiki) or anything relevant to its intended purpose.
- External links
- Miraheze Developer's Wiki — at WikiApiary.com (founded 2011), the wiki site for detailed information on all MediaWiki-powered websites