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Welcome, newcomers to Consumerium Development Wiki, where fair trade, political consumerism, and moral purchasing trends, all essential to our philosophy, are being pieced together into what we call moral purchasing power.

Consumerium itself is a not-for-profit project to enable display of product information to consumers and feedback to the producers to enhance the consumer experience and to keep this planet as hospitable as possible.

A couple of ways to start exploring Consumerium are the Brief introduction and Consudev:FAQ articles. There are also other essential projects, such as Simple English Wikipedia (.org) ( and ( and many others that we hope to introduce you to.

We are collaborating under the GFDL license, to design a healthy buying infrastructure. We are identifying hardware requirements for storage, transport and display of varying levels of product information to consumers and feedback to producers at the point of purchase to enhance the consumer experience, advance product development and to keep this planet as hospitable as possible.

There are currently 1151 articles of Consumerium development related work.