WikiIndex:WikiProject - Unknowns
Project Unknowns is the place for those working on fixing up these unknowns to communicate about what there is to do, the progress that we're making, and anything else that comes up around unknowns.
Initially, Category:Unknown was used for anything that was missing from the template of any wiki. Since that made for a rather unwieldly category, we've broken in up into Category:UnknownEditMode, Category:UnknownTopic, Category:UnknownEngine & Category:UnknownLanguage. When we get finished cleaning it out, Category:Unknown should be empty and will just need checking up on from time to time.
The current Template:Wiki has some default fields that also tell us that something is unknown. These are Category:EditMode, Category:YourWikiTopic, Category:YourWikiEngine & Category:Language. We'll be handling these as well.
Current Collaboration
- pending
- 16 Feb 06 - 347 in Category:Unknown
- 07 Mar 06 - 18
- 08 Mar 06 - DONE
go through lists, adding missing information to each wiki (number in each category on 08Mar06)
- general (these can either be filled in or moved to UnknownEngine, UnknownTopic, UnknownEditMode or UnknownLanguage)
- Category:Unknown (empty!)
- EditMode (these need to have edit mode entered)
- Topic (like to categorize? these are for you!)
- Category:UnknownTopic (43)
- Category:YourWikiTopic (16)
- Engine (these can be difficult in some cases)
- Category:UnknownEngine (158)
- Category:YourWikiEngine (16)
- Language (just a couple here)
- Status
- Category:Status (empty!)
Put your name here if you're interested in working on Project Unknown.