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Manorainjan Holzapfel
1 Seva Dharma Mission
Die etwas können, tun es;

die es nicht können, lehren es;

diejenigen, die es nicht lehren können, verkaufen es.
The whole world is a construction place ;)

About me

  1. I Started my profile here 13/07/2014.
  2. I'm Deutsche Wikipedia-User since 2005
  3. User:ManorainjanEnglish Wikipedia
  4. User:ManorainjanWikimedia Commons
  5. ManorainjanGerman Wikiquote
  6. de:Benutzer:ManorainjanWikiwörterbuch
  7. User:ManorainjanWikimedia Wikidata
  8. User:ManorainjanMediaWiki.org
  9. User:ManorainjanWikimedia Meta-Wiki
  10. [1]Sigrok
  11. [2]Piratenwiki
  12. [3]Wikia
  13. [4]Stadtwiki Allmende
  14. [5]TestWiki (Orain)
  15. [6]WikiWikiWeb
  16. [7]The Test Wiki
  17. [8]SELFHTML-Wiki
  18. [9]ICANNWiki
  19. [10]RadioWiki
  20. [11]PlusPedia
  21. [12]FreeWiki
  22. [13]Sarkarverse

My work

What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do. Bob Dylan
Disclaimer: I claim to be a real nobody ;-)

Contact me

www.manorainjan.de http://weathersticker.wunderground.com/weathersticker/miniWeather08_metric/language/german/global/stations/10348.gif

Teamwork Info[edit]

online accessibility E-mail commitment Exeptions UTC Skills Duty rank Propensities
Several times a day yes 1h/day - 1 NVC, database design - User community building, WikiFarm, RegioWiki

Personally known to[edit]

fun stuff[edit]

I am an Old Soul File:Old-soul.jpg


de-N This person is a native German speaker.
en-2 This person is an intermediate English speaker.
My current time zone is :