Template:TOCright Help:Contents — this page is intended to list the main groups of pages on this WikiIndex wiki that are designed to help both contributors and visitors. Most of the pages visitors should find useful are in the 'Help' namespace (prefixed with 'Help:') and/or are in category:Help. Contributors will find help there too, but may also want the 'project' pages – see WikiIndex:Help.

Search (for a wiki)

  • A 'search' box is provided of every page of this wiki; either in the left sidebar, or at the top right – depending on which skin the user has selected;
  • In the Help:Navigation column at the left in the community section are links to search;
  • The 'advanced search' form is provided at Special:Search.


This wiki is not an index with a linear structure like a 'Yellow Book' made from paper. It is a collection of article pages organized by use of categories – which are also pages themselves. You will find what you are looking far easier if you get an idea what kind of pages are there and how category pages are organized.

General-purpose pages

Getting started

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Other languages

arمساعدة:المحتويات, deHilfe:Inhalt, frAide:Contenus, itAiuto:Contenuti, tr - Yardım:İçindekiler, zh帮助:目录