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The Hidden Wiki
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Founded by: DecafJava
Status: Private
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: MultiLicense"MultiLicense" is not in the list (Custom license, Attribution to contributing authors, Copyright to contributing authors, Site retains copyright, WTFPL, Licence Art Libre, Open Content License, Apache License, BSD Documentation License, FreeBSD Documentation License, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki license" property.
Main topic: Knowledge
Wiki size: unknown size [No see stats]

The Hidden Wiki is a private wiki available only to users using the Tor browser, and contains an index of several dark web pages. It is unofficially known as the biggest website available for darknet users only.[1] The wiki, as of October 2019, uses MediaWiki. There is also an edition of the Hidden Wiki on the Marianas Web called MWiki, displaying its sites instead of the Dark Web sites (and was the homepage to Server 2 at the time), however this website seems to be down following the alleged closure of the Marianas Web.[2] It also operates on an on-off basis for no rhyme or reason, and there are also numerous numbers of mirrors,[3] these too often going offline. This wiki also changes its URL regularly.[4]

See also
Further reading