
Revision as of 16:32, 8 November 2022 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (Text replacement - "FoundedIn20xx" to "Founded in YYYY")
Wiki size: 690 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 23 info / verify

(As of: 13 December 2012)


Das Amateur Telescope Making Wiki (AtmWiki) ist eine freie Wissensdatenbank, die sich mit allen Themen rund um den Selbstbau von astronomischen Geräten und den dabei verwendeten Materialien, Werkzeugen und Messmethoden beschäftigt.


The Amateur Telescope Making Wiki (AtmWiki) is a free German-language knowledge base, which covers the field of amateur telescope making, making of astronomical equipment, and the utilized materials, tools and test equipment. It runs on MediaWiki and contants a small selection of GoogleAds.