
Structure of the Welcome page

Basically people coming here come mostly to find wikis. The first block should then be the category list then optionaly the wiki of the day then optionaly the user list. The current structure is just adding a unecessary step. 08:47, 4 February 2008 (EST)

I agree. I have to scroll down three pages to get to the meat of the welcome page. My first visit was nearly my last as I couldn't see a way to navigate the site. --St3f 11:18, 7 March 2008 (EST)

Wiki of the day

You need a wiki of the day, or a wiki of the week! 06:58, 19 June 2006 (EDT)

Yes, one per week would probably be more manageable for us to start. Would be great if we had a way to invite the community to participate also, then we could get up to one/day --Raymond King | talk 12:47, 19 June 2006 (EDT)


User list

List currently on Template:Recent visitors could get rather long, so maybe have a separate page for it? Robin Patterson 22:32, 1 June 2006 (EDT)


I seem to have messed up the colors. Can someone fix it? Thanks! TedErnst | talk 19:04, 14 June 2006 (EDT)


Mark, you were envisioning the photo news-item staying in the middle while Ray was envisioning all news entering on the left and moving to the right. Any futher thoughts after my mess-creation today? What about news that needs to be "sticky" like the WikiSym notice? TedErnst | talk 19:04, 14 June 2006 (EDT)

Yeah, I am not sold on the "blogging" flow on the front page of left to right. I wonder if having a more constantly image update in the middle surrounded by sticky articles and plain text articles would be more "exciting" (well, ya know, as exciting as text on a wiki can get!). MarkDilley

Okay, no problem. So of what we have there right now, we can put the image back in the middle. Then we have WikiSym, the front-page re-org asking for help and that peer to peer thing. I can do the work to move around again. What would you suggest (or just do it, obviously)? TedErnst | talk 12:40, 15 June 2006 (EDT)

I am just talking out loud, do you want to let it settle for a day or two? MarkDilley
My thought on the "left-right" flow is that if the picture moves from panel to panel, since it is recognizable, it shows more "activity" for the casual user. --Raymond King | talk 12:46, 19 June 2006 (EDT)

Sure thing. TedErnst | talk 15:32, 15 June 2006 (EDT)......


You could protect the page to "Block unregistered users" so that we won't have any anonymous IP jerkoff vandals.

The Future of WikiIndex?

The Welcome page includes the RecentChanges.info section and "The Future of WikiIndex and this (we)blog" blog entry, but it doesn't seem clear to me where people are supposed to reply to the request "Would you like to help?" --EarthFurst 12:44, 26 July 2007 (EDT)


Annoyed by the Captcha? Sure! Login to avoid it? I am logged in - and I get it anyway! - Is this a bug or a feature? Either this behaviour or this note on the welcome page should be fixed, I think.--Speckmade 00:22, 15 November 2007 (EST)

I'm not exactly sure how it works, but I think you might still be getting it because you haven't hit some arbitrary number of edits to where MediaWiki will no longer consider you "newly registered". Or are you doing more than just simple page editing (i.e.: moving pages or uploading files) because in those cases, I think anybody but an admin will have to go through a CAPTCHA to prevent spammers and vandals biding their time and pretending to play nice for a few days until they're no longer "newly registered". — User:Sean Fennel@ 22:49, 15 November 2007 (EST)
At first, the system would present me with a captcha every time I added a new link - or at least that's what it said. After I was made a sysop, this has ceased. Of course, I can't be sure that the two events were related. Felix Pleşoianu | talk 07:26, 16 November 2007 (EST)
Its a bug. No doubt about it. Elassint 22:54, 17 November 2007 (EST)

How many wikis is too many?

Currently, only 647 out of 5500 Wikia sites are listed here. Would listing them all be regarded as spam, or is this acceptable? Angela 21:40, 12 March 2008 (EDT)

It's acceptable but much work. Start this task, if you want to do so. :) Best regards --Wolf | talk 07:13, 13 March 2008 (EDT)
Angela, I think it would be fabulous! But agree with Wolf about the much work :-) We are trying to get Wikis to Add done! Best, MarkDilley
Given that Angela, is is one of the co-founders of Wikia, then I think that she could probably pull in support from Wikia staff and get Wikia wikis added into Category:Wikia fairly soon after they are set up. Or maybe Wikia and WikiIndex can work together to make some sort of WikiaBot that grabs the basic information from Wikia and then posts it on WikiIndex.
But as that there are over 4,000 Wikia wikis to add to WikiIndex, I would be inclined to suggest that Wikia gets a bot to put out a system message to their wiki admins that do not yet have a page here. Poking admins may encourage many of them to set up their own WikiIndex pages. And if the wiki founder (or a wiki staff member) sets up the page here, they are probably more likely to come back and update it.
Given that Wikia wikis all have a couple of things in common, maybe Wikia wiki editors could be targeted with boilerplate text that already has the correct edit mode, wiki software and Category:Wikia added to it. David Shepheard 08:06, 24 May 2009 (EDT)


WikiIndex is coming along nicely. I'm a little obsessive, and like the way WI is well organized, clean and neat. Best wishes. —Dishiwiki 04:03, 17 October 2008 (EDT)


No cite extension? (<ref>...</ref>) Theresa Wilson 00:50, 11 June 2009 (EDT)

Where should I highlight a wiki collaboration project?

I have, together with some others, put together a proposal for a wiki Q&A site called WikiSpeedia. The goal is to provide help and community for experts and moderators across a variety of wiki platforms.

I think this could be of great benefit to MediaWiki user's and other people with a passion for sharing information, whether publically or behind company firewalls. Here's my question: where can I highlight this where it will be effective but not draw disapproval? Note: there's no money involved so there is nothing to sell except a free exchange of information. Thanks in advance for any advice.

--Mark Robinson 23:48, 5 November 2010 (PDT)

A good question, to which I do not have an answer. I think I'll repost this at the Community Portal. --MarvelZuvembie 11:34, 6 November 2010 (PDT)
MarvelZuvembie - thank you very much! --Mark Robinson 04:12, 7 November 2010 (PST)

Your logo should change

I always loose this site because I think it's called 'wikikeys'. --Dan Bolser 13:32, 11 April 2011 (PDT)


Please update your MediaWiki version and install SMW/SF. k. thx. bi --Dan Bolser 13:41, 11 April 2011 (PDT)