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ButtUgly - The Butt Ugly Weblog is a personal wiki site from Janne Jalkanen, who defines it as his web log.

It is a curious experiment, an attempt to see how well the current JSPWiki WikiEngine can be used to publish a WebLog; but it is also a channel for me to rant about stuff, and to avoid flooding my friends' email boxes, ears, or other appendages. Even though this is a WikiWiki, I have decided to disallow full editing for various reasons, mostly because the JSPWiki:WebLogPlugin is not really ripe yet for wide-spread use.

The appearance of this WebLog is a bit awkward, I know. Like name, like weblog. I'll probably change this around at some point, if I think it's a good idea, or am bored, or something. It's always good to have something to tinker with.

This site is mildly heavy on CSS, so if you're using a browser that simply cannot cope with them (like Netscape 4), then expect the pages look even uglier than they were meant to be. I am sorry to say, but NS4 simply does not cut it anymore: consider changing to Mozilla Firefox, for example.

Most other browsers are okay, and I am willing to go to some length in supporting even the most obscure ones, but Netscape 4 rendering bugs are sometimes simply out of this world. You deserve better than NS4. Believe me.

 — Janne Jalkanen,