Last modified on 1 August 2023, at 10:46



FortWiki original logo

Wiki size: 6,951 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 36 info / verify

(As of: 2023-07-14)

FortWiki is a closed wiki site dedicated to documenting the forts, camps, barracks and stations that provided security and protection for the United States of America and Canada.

The goal is to combine the known public information about the forts and stations with detailed information from individual family histories and genealogies that are not public. These histories and genealogies are rich with details about ancestors who lived, worked and fought at these forts, camps and stations. John Stanton, who helped start WikiIndex, started FortWiki in 2005,[1] and tries to finance it by way of Google advertising.

Great feature

FortWiki has a great feature, random images are displayed on its main page, thanks to the inclusion of RandomImage extension.

External links