KDE Wiki
KDE Wiki is the portal for three wikis on information about the K Desktop Environment (KDE) and related topics. They contain FAQs and user manuals for people using KDE and the applications that use it, information for artists drawing new icons, and tutorials for programmers programming working on software with a KDE GUI. The KDX Wikis were created originally using the Tikiwiki wiki engine, but all now use the popular MediaWiki engine which is heavily modified with a custom skin.
Nearly all Linux desktop computers run KDE, GNOME, or Xfce. KDE began in 1996; the Gnome desktop environment begun in 1997 (see GNOME Live! wiki); the Xfce desktop environment began in 1997 (see Xfce Wiki); see also Wikipedia: desktop environment. The K Desktop Environment and KDE applications also run on Windows computers.
- KDE wikis