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Revision as of 18:25, 10 March 2006 by TedErnst (talk | contribs) (direct linking)
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I'm mostly working on Project Unknown and the Recent Changes Patrol.

My blog: Humanize the Earth!

I was invited here by MarkDilley. We met online (of course! maybe even at MeatballWiki), and then spent a week together WikiVanning to WikiSym2005. We also worked together on RecentChangesCamp. I recently started the ChicagoCoopWiki and I also run the ChicagoHumanist wiki. I can also be found at Wikipedia and CommunityWiki.

I'm not available by IM, skype or IRC during the workday. You can call me at 312 371-double6-25 if you like. My skype name is tedernst and my jabber name is tedernst@gmail.com