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Deletionpedia square.png Deletionpedia
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Status: GoalAbandoned"GoalAbandoned" is not in the list (Vibrant, Active, New, In preparation, Dormant, Spammed, Private, Cannot connect, Dead, Locked, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki status" property.
Language: English
Edit mode: ReadOnly"ReadOnly" is not in the list (OpenEdit, SaveAfterPreview, LoginToEdit, ConfirmEmail, ByInvitation, Unknown edit mode, Pay to edit, Login via forum, Read-only) of allowed values for the "Wiki edit mode" property.
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: GNU Free Documentation License
Main topic: Wikipedia
Backups: 2011-10-07

Deletionpedia was founded and created by David Batley, aka h2g2bob on 2005.

DeletionpediaDeleted from Wikipedia, is an archive of pages which have been deleted from the English Wikipedia. Its founder, owner and operator is David Batley, aka h2g2bob.

Deletionpedia is not a 'wiki' (in the traditional sense): you cannot edit the pages uploaded here. An automated bot uploaded pages as they are deleted from Wikipedia. The site's collection is limited to articles deleted from Wikipedia between February and September 2008.

Wiki size: 62,291 article pages see stats

(As of: 13 December 2012)

See also
External link