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Revision as of 23:24, 30 July 2014 by Koavf (talk | contribs) (added Category:Books using HotCat)
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Wikilivres.png Wikilivres
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Founded by:
Status: Active
Language: Multilingual
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: [[:Category:Wiki {{{license}}}|{{{license}}}]]
Main topic: Reference
Wiki size: 16,638 article pages see stats

(As of: 2014-06-22)



A library of free documents and images, hosted in Canada.

Multilingual site, the three main languages are English, French and Russian. There are also pages in Albanian, Chinese, Czech, Dutch, Esperanto, Georgian, German, Hebrew, Middle English, Polish, and Spanish.

The site also accepts images and sounds.


Une bibliothèque de documents libres. Site hébergé au Canada.

Le site est multilingue. Les trois langues principales sont l'anglais, le français, et le russe. Il y a aussi des documents en espagnol, allemand et chinois.

Le site accepte aussi les fichiers multimédias.


Una biblioteca de documentos y images libres de Canada.

El sitio se usan muchas idiomas. Las mas grandes son ingles, francés, y ruso. Hay paginas en albanés, alemán, checo, chino, español, esperanto, georgiano, hebreo, holandés, inglés medio, y polaco.

El sitio se acepta imágenes y sonidos.


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