Category:Pages that use Template:Inactive
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Category:Pages that use Template:Inactive — the articles listed below are defunct former wikis which have their respective infoboxes created by the depreciated template:Inactive. Accordingly, these articles all need to be edited to include the Wiki infobox template; the status field needs changing to Dead, and ideally, any existing URLs searched for archives at either and / or Any significant archived URLs can be reintroduced into their respective wiki article infobox, or within the prose text.
Pages in category “Pages that use Template:Inactive”
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 495 total.
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- Balsall Heath Jungle
- Baltimore Collective
- BarbelithWiki
- Battlefield 1942 Modders' Wiki
- Beblio
- Bee Wiki
- BeerologyWiki
- BenefitsLinkWiki
- BetterDifferentWiki
- Beutel-TWiki
- Bicipedia
- BigBlogZoo
- Billdeh”raWiki
- Biobook
- BitTorrentWiki
- Biwiki
- Biznis Akademija Smilevski
- Blackshot Wiki (
- BlitzWiki
- Blog EFL/ESL Wiki
- Blogalization Nation
- BlogaPro
- Bloomington Linux Users Group
- BlubNet
- BoaltOrgWiki
- BoardGameWiki
- BodyInflationWiki
- BombyxWiki
- Bondpedia
- BonsaiWiki
- Bonus Stage Wiki
- BorlandDelphiWiki
- Boys Will Be Boys Wiki
- BrainDumpWiki
- BricoWiki
- BuildingControlsWiki
- CaFoscariWiki
- CamminoWiki
- Can I Crash
- CastleCopsWiki
- CGLUG Wiki
- Chainki
- ChemieWiki
- Chicago Wiki Arts
- ChicagoPatternsWiki
- ChickShare
- Chris Corrigan
- ChristWiki
- Chu's Chu's Place Wiki
- Clan hmm
- CleveWiki
- ClugWiki
- CoderWiki
- CollectiveRoboticsWiki
- Columbus Wiki
- ColumbusWiki
- ComingIn2006 Wiki
- Command and Conquer Strategy Wiki
- CommunityBikeWiki
- ConflictResolutionModelingLanguageWiki
- ConsumerWiki
- CoralQueen
- Corporate (Social) Responsibility
- Cosmic Engineers wiki
- CriticalResponse
- Crónicas Pachecas Wiki
- CWH Coding Wiki
- CwickWiki
- Cyrus wiki
- DaisyDenfender Wiki
- Dan Dascalescu's Wiki
- Dansk Chainki
- DaveaTronWiki
- Daydrinking Wiki
- DBAppBuilder
- DefoamWiki
- Deiludum Wiki
- Demosoftware Wiki
- DerekWiki
- Deutsches Chainki
- Dienstag-Abend Wiki
- Digital Divide Wiki
- DigitalMediaWiki
- DigitalScurfWiki
- DigitalWiki
- DirtyWaterWiki
- Distributed Systems and Networks Wiki
- DistributedCognitionWiki
- DocBookWiki
- DocumentKcWiki
- DOL Work Services
- DonMaxwell
- Dortmund Wiki
- Dragon Stone MUD
- DVG il dizionario dei videogiochi
- DÜBWiki
- Fedoranews Wiki
- FermentWiki
- FiaDot wiki
- Filmkväll 2040
- FinestWebs Wiki
- Firefox Wiki
- Flash Game Programming Wiki
- FloobyDust
- FluxDepositoryWiki
- FlyerWiki
- FolkLyrics
- Fontconfig
- FoodAndCookingWiki
- Foot Wiki - Tim Wright's Wiki
- ForexMarketWiki
- Français Chainki
- Freaks Unidos wiki
- FreeCultureWiki
- FreeTrails
- FrokelWiki
- Frugalware wiki
- Fsinf Leipzig Wiki
- FullTimeGovernment
- Future of Wikis Wiki
- GadgetAnswers Wiki
- GaffaWiki
- Game Soundtrack Directory
- GameOntologyProject
- Gamer´s wiki
- Garden Guide Wiki
- GASD-Pedia
- GeekismWiki
- Gelderland-Wiki
- GewerkschaftsWiki
- GfxAlgoWiki
- GlenCookWiki
- Global Voices
- GlobalVillages
- GnufansWiki
- GnumesWiki
- GnuplotWiki
- Goopedia
- GOPedia
- Greater Toronto Area Wiki
- GreatestWiki
- GroovyWeb
- GtkSharpWiki