This is a generic boilerplate template for wiki article entries; suitable for most wiki engines, including MediaWiki. For Wikia-specific wikis, see: template:Wikia boilerplate (currently only available in English).
When adding or amending a date for the backup file, or page count and wikiFactor, please use full ISO 8601 date format as shown (YYYY-MM-DD).
|name = <!--use if wiki name is different from article name; otherwise, DELETE this field-->
|URL = YourWikiHttp <!--start with http:// - eg:, if unknown, 'UnknownWikiURL'-->
|logo = No <!--you may upload and wikilink, or hotlink to a URL-->
|wide logo = <!--insert 'y' when the logo is too wide AND/OR the title is too long-->
|recentchanges URL= No <!-->
|wikinode URL = No <!-- - If none, use 'No'-->
|about URL = No <!-- - If none, use 'No'-->
|mobile URL = No <!-- - If none, use 'No'-->
|status = YourWikiStatus <!--'Active' is appropriate for most sites, see Category:Wiki Status for more info-->
|language = YourWikiLanguage <!--eg: English, Multilingual, Japanese etc-->
|editmode = YourWikiEditMode <!--'OpenEdit' if users can edit without logging in, LoginToEdit if not, see Category:Wiki Edit Mode-->
|engine = YourWikiEngine <!--the software which the wiki runs on, eg: MediaWiki, see Category:Wiki Engine-->
|license = YourWiki'sLicense <!--preferred, see Category:Wiki License, if NO license, 'NoLicense'-->
|maintopic = YourWikiTopic <!--the main, primary topic; other sub-topics can be added as tags within the prose below-->
|backupurl = <!--backup file URL, found at '/Special:Statistics' on Wikia & other MediaWiki sites-->
|backupdate = 2017-MM-DD <!--ISO date of backup URL; as in YYYY-MM-DD, if unknown, type 'unknown date'-->
{{Size <!--see Template:Size for full detail-->
|pages= <!--type the plain number of pages - NO thousands separators-->
|statistics URL= No <!--page count source (often a 'Statistics' page), if unknown type 'No'-->
|wikiFactor= <!--preferred, if unknown leave void, see: Category:wikiFactor-->
|wikiFactor URL= <!--wF source (often 'PopularPages', 'Mostvisitedpages', 'PageHits') - if unknown leave void-->
}}(Page count as of: 2017-MM-DD<br>wikiFactor as of: 2012-MM-DD)<!--manually add/amend date; as in YYYY-MM-DD when stats are verified and/or updated-->
{{stub}} <!-- remove this comment (between <!-- and -->) after:
type description of your wiki here, and 'tag' specific notable words to include them into categories as follows {{tag|notable subject}}
(This tag construction is used when you want a word in the text to wikilink to the category of that same name.)
If a taggable category name does not appear in the prose text, use and amend the '[[Category:FirstAdditional]]' etc at the BOTTOM of
the page to manually add categories. It would also be helpful to add the year of founding, like so... -->
And one more time without the whitespaces and HTML comments:
|name =
|URL =
|logo =
|wide logo =
|recentchanges URL =
|wikinode URL =
|about URL =
|mobile URL =
|status = Vibrant, Active, New, In preparation, NeedsLove, Dormant, Spammed, Locked, GoalReached, GoalAbandoned, Private, Cannot connect, Dead, Archived
|language =
|editmode = OpenEdit, SaveAfterPreview, LoginToEdit, ConfirmEmail, LoginViaForum, ByInvitation, PayToEdit, ReadOnly, UnknownEditMode, YourWikiEditMode
|engine = YourWikiEngine
|license = Wiki Apache License, Wiki Attribution to contributing authors, Wiki Creative Commons, Wiki Creative Commons Attribution, Wiki Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike, Wiki Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works, Wiki Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial, Wiki Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works, Wiki Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike, Wiki Creative Commons Public Domain, Wiki Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication (CC0), Wiki Creative Commons ShareAlike, Wiki Copyright to contributing authors, Wiki Custom license, GNU wiki license, Wiki Licence Art Libre, Wiki BSD, Wiki BSD Documentation License, Wiki FreeBSD Documentation License, Wiki MultiLicense, Wiki Open Content License, Wiki Proprietary license, Wiki Public Domain (generic), Wiki Site retains copyright, Wiki WTFPL, Wiki YourWiki'sLicense, Wiki NoLicense
|maintopic =
|backupurl =
|backupdate =
|pages =
|statistics URL =
|wikiFactor =
|wikiFactor URL =
}}(As of: 2017-MM-DD)
- All wiki language boilerplate versions available for template:Wiki