Lolcow Wiki

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Lolcow Wiki
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Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginViaForum"LoginViaForum" is not in the list (OpenEdit, SaveAfterPreview, LoginToEdit, ConfirmEmail, ByInvitation, Unknown edit mode, Pay to edit, Login via forum, Read-only) of allowed values for the "Wiki edit mode" property.
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Main topic: People
Wiki size: 505 article pages see stats

(Page count as of: 2018-07-23)

The Lolcow Wiki, a facts-oriented encyclopedia of eccentricity, is a repository of facts and information about various individuals, groups, and concepts on the internet.

The Lolcow Wiki was launched in April 2016 to serve as an Encyclopedia chronicling and archiving the life events of the people of interest discussed on the website Kiwi Farms. It's initial major focus was articles about the Deagle Nation and it's leader Jace Connors.