Template:Private boilerplate
This is the boilerplate template for template:Private. If you have determined that a wiki is 'Private', meaning you are denied access, but believe the wiki to be active (or you have access, but know it is private), then you may use the following boilerplate if you only have its main page URL. However, if you are aware of more of its URLs, such as: 'recent changes', 'about', 'statistics', etc., or know other identifying information such as: 'engine', 'license', 'maintopic', etc., please consider using our main or primary infobox template: template: Wiki, and use file: Private.png as its logo.
Highlight the text above in the blue/grey 'boilerplate', select copy (Ctrl-c on your keyboard), and paste (Ctrl-v) it at the top of the edit box in the relevant Private wiki article, then amend the fields to the right of the =
sign with the requested information. Do not forget to click on the 'Show preview' button (or alt-p on your keyboard) to verify your edited detail is correct before saving (alt+s).