Wiki family

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Revision as of 01:55, 16 March 2020 by Msnhinet8 (talk | contribs)
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Template:Wiki Farm 請求一個維基,請在這裡申請你的維基。

This : Wiki family is either empty, or sparsely populated,
and needs to be 'populated' with articles, stubs (and / or other categories)
relevant to the subject matter of this specific category.

Include an article page in this category via one (or more) of three methods:
a. add Wiki family in the appropriate field of its infobox template
b. 'tag' a word within the prose of the article, eg. {{tag|Wiki family}}
c. add [[Wiki family]] at the bottom of its edit box.




Wiki family was an established MediaWiki wiki farm, founded in 2011. The main languages were Chinese and Japanese. Although established initially in 2011, it was left dormant due to a lack of hosting space. Wiki family then was re-established in March 2014, and was the first wiki farm from Taiwan. Wiki family appeared to model its features on the Orain wiki farm, in that it operated on a nonprofit basis and also did not include adverts. As of September 2014, it is hosting only four wiki sites, and as of December 2016, the site does not resolve a connection at all - instead returning a "cannot connect to the server" error.

list wikis

see also