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Revision as of 22:28, 30 June 2021 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (more links, more info)
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Template:Wiki Engine This MiniRubyWiki article or category is a wiki engine 'stub'. If you are familiar with wiki engines (wiki software), you can help by expanding this stub article, thanks.  :-)

MiniRubyWiki (MRW) targets PIM and team project use, and represents the finest in Ruby development and wiki theory.

This wiki comes with its own little server. I wrote the server part to avoid discovering how to configure Apache to get rid of the 'cgi-bin/wiki.rb' crap in the URL. A future version will peacibly co-exist with your web server.

It's still 'mini' because it does not have public wiki features such as versioning, security, phrenology, etc.

The zip:

That expands a folder containing a small site showing most of the features. The topic of the site is roughly MRW's location in its world.

The features:

  • WikiWiki:WikiNerveCenter
  • This now also contains a "calendar" displaying the current and then next week, with today's day field in green.
  • The Style Sheet hilites dates in the formats MM/DD/YY format or DD-Mmm-YYYY format.
  • The Calendar displays links to pages containing these dates, within current fortnight, in the appropriate date fields.
  • The Tool Tip for these links contains the line with the date in it.
  • This simple feature permits the wiki to schedule your team.
  • WikiWiki:WikiStyleSheet - a page where you can add custom markup tags, as regular expressions and raw HTML.
  • The word TODO will always appear big on a red background, for example.
  • Or ;-) will replace with a graphic of a smiling face.
  • "hanging indent"
  • When you copy in an e-mail or USENET post, the reply ticks > appear correctly formatted and italicized.
  • You can extend the sheet with numerous project-specific tweaks, such as replacing a colleague's initials, \bPM\b, with <a href="PeterMerel">PM</a>
  • Hitting , if the page does not exist but the name "NewPage" is well-formed, opens an "Edit Page" on that name
  • Read to learn to bond Visual C++ with MRW.
  • This feature lets you write the name of a new page into a VC++ project, tap a configured keystroke (I use <Alt+Space>), raise IE with an editor on that page, and write the page.
  • One could conceivably document a project like that, but we all know real engineers don't document. (MWR's source is living proof.) One can use the Wiki to author, say, ornery hip-hop lyrics as one codes, for example.
  • WikiUnrequitedLinks - a page containing every broken internal link (with a ? clicker) in the Wiki. Use this to polish the technical trivia.
  • WikiBanner - the first line of this page renders in the upper right corner of every page. Put a daily affirmation and links to FrontPage, RecentChanges here.
  • Minor Edits
  • We defend the most recently changed file when a conflicting change comes in.
  • Real command-line arguments to set the host and port - ruby miniWiki.rb 80
  • Better RecentChanges esthetics, including "green bar".
  • A Change Synopsis visible in RecentChanges and at the bottom of each page. Wiki markup works here too.
  • Pages backed up in pure HTML for faster download. <-- Offline; platform issues
  • Image transclusion, with back-links.
  • Bug free nested outline mode (unlike some Wikis we could mention..).
  • The standard Spirit of Wiki markup tags.
  • Embedded WikiWiki:GraphViz - see WikiWiki:GraphWiki. !
  • A beautiful search engine
  • SearchPage is a real page; administrators can add lite "help" here;
  • Searches use regex (which newbies will probably trip over). the rendered (therefor clickable) citations in the found-list
  • Errors in the regex don't crash the server; they report cleanly in the SearchPage's output region
  • Remote Link completion (what this wiki calls "RemoteWikiUrl?")
  • Remote Links appear as Local:remote.
  • Clicking the first part takes you into your own Wiki to the page declaring the remote link. This lets you describe your project's relationship to that resource.
  • The remote is any text that may complete an URL. Clicking it assembles the complete URL and takes you, in a new browser window, to that resource.
  • Remote Links may contain a $ to embed the dynamic ligand inside the static part of an URL. This feature works great for WikiWiki:CvsWeb, which goes like server/path/$?rev=HEAD&markup=pretty. You target your source filename into the $ with just CvsWeb:file.h
  • Local: - the link name, a colon, and nothing after it - links to the remote target without more URI.
  • If Locals URL has a $', it and everything after it strip off when resolving Local:
  • To change the logo in the upper left, find the variable $art and replace its >last< assignment with a string declaring your image.
External links