WikiIndex:Policies and Guidelines

From WikiIndex
Revision as of 21:07, 3 August 2021 by Hoof Hearted (talk | contribs) (additional info, WikiIndex:Privacy policy)
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Template:TOCright WikiIndex is in the (slow) process of developing a set of explicit policies and guidelines. Until then, our admin team will monitor the wiki, and use their common sense to resolve issues. Where there is a dispute, it will be resolved between a number of the active admins on this site. (Or alternatively a vote amongst the active users.)

At this moment, we only have a couple of rules, which have arisen from and evolved by direct experience:

Spam control policy

Actual commercial spam will be mercilessly deleted, without prior discussion. However, irrelevant content should be instead marked for deletion, using {{delete}}, to allow a review first. One person's 'irrelevant' can be another's 'interesting'.

Please note that WikiIndex does allow external links which would be prohibited on the English Wikipedia, provided they are strictly relevant to the actual wiki site; for example, social media sites for a wiki, such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. We also provide links to 'chat' services for a wiki site, such as IRC and Discord.

Edit wars will NOT be tolerated

If you find yourself repeatedly restoring content somebody else keeps deleting (or vice versa): stop – and seek arbitration; ideally initially from our community, and if that fails, from a sysop and/or staff member. Alternatively, take a 'wiki holiday' for a period of time!

Blocking and banning policy

Needs expanding

For a few more simple guidelines, see: WikiIndex:Editing etiquette and / or WikiIndex:Guidelines. For all other guidelines, see: category:Guidelines.

A discussion of possible policies follows on this articles' talk page. See also WikiIndex talk:Policies and Guidelines. For a more personal and well-thought viewpoint, try user:Lumenos/WikiIndex (unwritten) policies.

Personal article policy

Wiki people articles should be a biography of the person's wiki experience only, and as such, personal information (i.e., birthdays, phone numbers, real names, residence, workplace, etc.) should be excluded – unless said information is already in the public domain.

See also