Juneau Wireless

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Juneau Wireless
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Founded by: unknown
Status: Dead
Language: English
Edit mode: OpenEdit
Wiki engine: WikkiTikkiTavi
Wiki license: GNU Free Documentation License
Main topic: Wireless
Wiki size: unknown size see stats

(As of: 20YY-MM-DD)

Juneau Wireless is a non-profit effort to develop a wireless broadband community-run network for Juneau, Alaska, USA. This effort is modeled after the Seattle Wireless effort, and uses inexpensive wireless technology to successfully create a wide area network in Juneau. This is a community owned distributed system. A community network is different from other networks most people are accustomed to. This is aimed at creating a fully redundant wireless mesh network covering the city of Juneau and surrounding areas. There are no fees involved in order to connect to the mesh. In order to connect all that is needed is a wireless card and to be near a node. To create a node a person will have to purchase their own wireless equipment, follow the IP addressing scheme and join up! You will own your own node completely free of restrictions of cable or phone lines. Each person that joins helps the network grow and expand and provide a better experience for all their peers.

Currently our organization and purpose are in disarray. Please feel free generate content or re-organize the site in a more sane fashion. The top menu bar is also customizable, if you think something should be added to it, please let someone know.

Participation is encouraged, so please add or modify anything to make this site more useful for you!

Currently disabled Old site was running Wikki Tikki Tavi. Due to it being based on PHP4 and no updates since 2005 this site has been decommissioned. The data on this site is still available. Someday (maybe?) it'll be migrated to a different Wiki platform