
wikiHow – to do anything... — 'the world's collaborative how-to manual' that you can edit, is an American series of wiki sites for the creation of the world's largest how-to manual. Founded by Jack Herrick[1] on 15 January 2005, all wikiHow wikis use the popular MediaWiki software, but they are heavily modified to be better suited to a 'how to manual'. wikiHow also uses a custom skin, and the wikis display advertising from Google Adsense. The wikiHow textual wiki content is released under the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share-Alike 3.0 license (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0).[2]
wikiHow, Inc. is the commercial 'for profit' wiki company which owns and operates all the wikiHow wiki sites, and is headquartered at 530 Lytton Avenue, 2nd Floor, Palo Alto, California (CA) 94301, USA. wikiHow, Inc. claims to be a 'carbon neutral website',[3] though not 'carbon zero'. wikiHow is a registered trademark at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (US PTO).
- wikiHow: History-of-wikiHow — at www.wikiHow.com, the English wikiHow
- wikiHow.com Interactive Statistics — from Martin Poljak at Wikistatistics.net (public domain), via Archive.org from 2016
- wikiHow — at the English Wikipedia
- wikiHow.com site info — from Alexa.com
- Twitter feed
- Facebook page
- See also
As of November 2021, wikiHow: language projects indicates that there are nineteen (19) active wikiHow wikis of different languages, with a further potential 80 language versions proposed.
Arabic / العربية (ar) • Chinese / 中文 (zh) • Czech / Čeština (cz) • Dutch / Nederlands (nl) • English (en) • Farsi / فارسی (fa) • French / Français (fr) • German / Deutsch (de) • Hindi / हिन्दी (hi) • Indonesian / Bahasa Indonesia (id) • Italian / Italiano (it) • Japanese / 日本語 (jp) • Korean / 한국어 (ko) • Portuguese / Português (pt) • Russian / Русский (ru) • Spanish / Español (es) • Thai / ไทย (th) • Turkish / Türkçe (tr) • Vietnamese / Tiếng Việt (vn)
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