Speedy deletion Wiki

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Speedy deletion Wikia
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Founded by: H4ck3rm1k3, aka James Michael DuPont
Status: Dead
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: Wikia
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
Main topic: Wikipedia
Backups: 2016-06-10
Dead since late 2018.
Wiki size: 766,128 article pages see stats

(As of: 2018-09-10 - Archive.org)

Speedy deletion Wiki was a Wikia lifestyle wiki. It consisted of wiki pages deleted from the English Wikipedia under their 'Speedy Deletion' criteria. It also allows editors to continue editing pages on Speedy deletion Wiki; which is different to Deletionpedia, where its articles are read-only.

"Did you ever have a wikipedia article you worked on deleted and did not have a backup? Did you feel frustrated like me? You are in the right place. Did you ever search for some local band, your favorite author, actor or theory and did not find anything on it in wikipedia? You are in the right place. Well now we have a backup of articles that will be deleted. My script runs every ten minutes and collects all articles that are in danger of being deleted.

You are invited to help research these articles, basically what I am doing is looking for the person in question, on twitter, facebook, websites and contacting them, asking them to contribute more info to the article. Make sure to check out our Blog:Recent posts.

Feel free to add in pictures, videos, links and categories. I aim to make this wiki a place for what wikipedia considers "non-notable", so lets make it look good.

I hope to take thes articles and use them to feed into other wiki sites and also fosm.org / OpenStreetMap.org with business data.

This wiki is not wikipedia, but a collection of Creative Commons data, so add what you own yourselves and are willling to licence under Creative Commons. See also the disclaimer.

All articles that are attacking people personally, or just random junk pages, or ones that promote violence or illegal things will be deleted. Keep it clean!"

External links
See also