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This Category:Caribbean category page is a Category 'stub'. If you like exploring categories, and understand the WikiIndex categorisation system, you can help by expanding this category stub page, thanks.  :-)

Category: Caribbean — this category here on WikiIndex contains a list of wiki-related articles (and sub-categories) about the region known as the Caribbean; including wiki sites, people, places, language(s), and / or other pertinent information. It is located near North and Central America, and consists of more than 700 islands of various archipelagos belonging to many different countries; some are governed by the United Kingdom (and also belong to the Commonwealth of Nations, formerly known as the British Commonwealth), others are governed by France or the Netherlands, though many countries of the Caribbean are totally independent.

Please see: Caribbean dictionary definition of the same or similar name or subject on the Cambridge Dictionary international English dictionary website.
External links


This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.






Pages in category “Caribbean”

This category contains only the following page.