Web 2.0 Summit

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15c84f7b1ee6be4f0bc73bf5e246bb0e6f80ddbd.gif Web 2.0 Summit
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Founded by: unknown
Status: Dead
Language: English
Edit mode: Read-only
Wiki engine: Kwiki
Wiki license: No license
Main topic: Web 2.0
Wiki size: unknown size see stats
This Web 2.0 Summit has been dead (offline) since mid 2013.

Web 2.0 Summit is a former wiki site from O'Reilly Media, Inc. to support its conference on Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 Summit has ended, and this wiki is now read-only. Please refer to http://conferences.oreilly.com for info on the next conference.

AttendeeList - network with other attendees

BloggerList - bloggers covering Web 2.0

http://web2con.answerbag.com - Web 2.0 Conference Q&A

CoolSites - Websites you think are worthy of the Web 2.0 title

BirdsOfaFeather - anyone interested in meeting outside of the sessions to really dig into some of these topics?

Web2Expo - The Web 2.0 Summit companion event coming to San Francisco April 15-18, 2007


Live Chat at Web 2.0 Conference

Virtual Conference - collaborate with fellow attendees in virtual world

BritMeet - anyone from UK want to meet up?

When will the short videos shown at the conference be linked on the site.

Web2Presentations - post links to your presentations here