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10-Oct-2006: PlasticsWiki - website dedicated to plastics technology, materials & equipment.
29-Sep-2006: PolishDictionary.info - A Polish Dictionary, grammar guide and phrase book.
24-Sep-2006: CryptoDox - An encyclopedia on Cryptography and Information Security.
23-Sep 2006: Yaransiklopedi - Turkish Wikipedia parody
23-Sep 2006: WikiDream - Wiki on general knowledge with exceptions of extra content 23-Sep-2006: Co-intelligenceWiki = A wiki on Co-intelligence
10-Sep-2006: Sightseeing Wiki - A travel portal dedicated to sightseeing and related activities around the globe.
30-Aug-2006: wiki-markets - One nerd's attmept to create a free, user-supported database of financial information on stocks, futures, options, fixed income and currencies.
30-Aug-2006: Appropedia - a living library of appropriate technology, also covering sustainability and broader international development issues.
29-Aug-2006: WikiCreole - Creating a common wiki markup (not replacing existing markup).
27-Aug-2006: Open Guide to Milton Keynes - community guide to Milton Keynes written for folk living and working in the town
27-Aug-2006: 中国0公里 - Backpackers' Information Center in Western China.
26-Aug-2006: Smash Bros. Wiki - Information on the Smash Bros. game series.
23-Aug-2006: Hitchhiking Wiki - A wiki about hitchhiking
23-Aug-2006: CouchSurfing Wiki - A wiki for CouchSurfing
23-Aug-2006: Hospitality Exchange Wiki - A wiki about hospitality exchange