Hospitality Exchange Wiki

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[{{{URL}}} {{{logo}}}] [{{{URL}}} Hospitality Exchange Wiki]
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The aim of is to help people interested in hospitality exchange, either to use it for a long trip or just for a day trip, to find their way, by presenting the networks, tips and allowing people to discuss experiences.

For old time hospitality exchange people it offers an independent platform to talk about experiences, futures & safety, ideas & believes. For now there aren't any restrictions for this Hospitality Exchange Wiki. It is a collaborative project to build an information base about hospitality exchange (usable for everybody under a Creative Commons license), to discuss many facets of hospitality exchange. Developing new content for Hospitality Exchange Networks (from tips for women travelers to guidelines on how to organize a camp), drafts how the perfect network could look like, developing the 'perfect' network policies or different cool features.

Wiki size: 1,488 article pages see stats