Category:Wiki YourWiki'sLicense

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Revision as of 03:24, 9 December 2008 by MarvelZuvembie (talk | contribs) (Typo: if, not in)
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If someone adds a wiki and doesn't enter a Category:Wiki License, that wiki will end up here. This category should be empty most of the time and if it's not, please help us empty it out!

Categorising a (new) wiki

Have a look around in Category:Wiki License, the mother category of the individual license categories, to see the options that are already there to fill in the field wiki_license of the Wiki infobox. Note: omit the word "Wiki" if the license category contains it.


Pages in category “Wiki YourWiki'sLicense”

The following 172 pages are in this category, out of 172 total.