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Textus Receptus

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Revision as of 20:38, 19 July 2011 by Elassint (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Wiki |wiki_logo=http://www.textus-receptus.com/w/skins/common/images/wiki.png |wiki_URL=http://textus-receptus.com/wiki/Main_Page |wiki_recentchanges_URL=http://textus-receptus...")
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[{{{URL}}} {{{logo}}}] [{{{URL}}} Textus Receptus]
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Textus-Receptus.Com is a wiki style site that is dedicated to providing accurate information about bible versions and manuscripts. This site is similar to Wikipedia, except you need to sign up (which is free) to edit protected pages. I started this site because wikipedia is not neutral in the way they police information about the bible. They are biased in the way they use information and many of the editors try to degrade the word of God. I also started this site to create a hub of information concerning the scriptures. Many times a missionary will spend 30 years in a jungle, translating the bible for locals, and the work sits on the shelf of 4-5 churches. We plan to make all versions based upon the Textus Receptus available online.

Wiki size: 6,567 article pages see stats
wikiFactor: 4 info / verify