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wikiFactor (wF) measures the impact of a wiki site, the wikiFactor, which is based on the popular Wikipedia:H-index, used for research citations. Details are given in the paper "wikiFactor: a measure of the importance of a wiki site". It is simple to calculate; first one goes to the Special:Popularpages page (for MediaWikis), then the wikiFactor is the number of pages, wF, that has had more than 1000 wF visits.

For example, the wikiFactor of WikiIndex is 12, i.e., page 12 in the list has had more than 12,000 visits, whereas page 13 has not yet reached 13,000 visits.

Category:wikiFactor is used, and the value of wF be included in either the Wiki template or the Size template. -- Carl McBride (talk) 05:34, 4 March 2009 (EST)

I would like to see us include it in to Template:Wiki sometime. MarkDilley