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Gaypedia.png GayPedia
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Status: Dead
Language: French
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: YourWiki'sLicense
Main topic: Gay
This GayPedia page here on WikiIndex has recently been translated from text of another language, namely from French to English. If you are a native or near-native English speaker, and/or a French speaker, please help with the review!

After reviewing, and making any gramatical or other corrections (if / where necessary), please remove this banner by deleting the {{translated}} tag.
Wiki size: 63 article pages [No see stats]

(As of: 23 January 2012)


"GAY PEDIA est une enclyclopédie participative gay. Comme Wikipédia vous pouvez modifier, ajouter de nouveaux articles pour augmenter l'importance de l'encyclopédie, toutes les contributions sont les bienvenus.

En particulier les informations sur les lieux gay, les associations gays, les lieux de dragues, les personnalités. Si vous êtes un responsables gays associatif ou commercial ajoutez les informations sur vous et votre association ou établissement."


GayPedia – a gay information wiki in french-language. However, it is heavily spammed!

"GAY PEDIA was a gay participatory encyclopedia in French. In the same way you edit Wikipedia, you can add new items to increase the importance of the encyclopedia, all contributions are welcome.

In particular information on gay, gay associations, places of drags and cross-dressing, and personalities. If you are a responsible gay associations or commercial organisations, add information about yourself, your organization or institution."