Internet Librarian International

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"Archived" is not in the list (Vibrant, Active, New, In preparation, Dormant, Spammed, Private, Cannot connect, Dead, Locked, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki status" property.

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Internet Librarian International
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Status: Archived"Archived" is not in the list (Vibrant, Active, New, In preparation, Dormant, Spammed, Private, Cannot connect, Dead, Locked, ...) of allowed values for the "Wiki status" property.
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: XWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution
Main topic: Library
Wiki size: unknown size [No see stats]

(As of: 2014-MM-DD)

Internet Librarian International 2005 unofficial Wiki, also known as ILI2005 wiki, is was an unofficial wiki and blog (bliki) for Internet Librarian International 2005, to be held in London, England on October 10-11, 2005. Initial wiki content/structure created by Richard Akerman.

The wiki, which ran on the XWiki wiki engine with its content released under the Creative Commons Attribution 1.0 license (CC-BY 1.0), was taken offline sometime early 2009.