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Lion Kimbro

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Lion Kimbro, February 2006
Lion Kimbro
Gender: Male
Other names:
Language(s): English
Home wiki(s):
Editing status:
Pers. website:
Contact(s): name{[at]}Gmail.com
https://Upload.Wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/47/Monobook_icon.svg/35px-Monobook_icon.svg.png This Lion Kimbro person article is a wiki person 'stub'. If you like exploring wiki people articles, researching and verifying their biographies, you can help by expanding this stub article, thanks.  :-)

Quote from luvly:

"What role did wiki play in this? Well, it's sort of like the question, "What role did paper and books have in the history of the world?" I'd say: "A LOT!" Messages are the spoken words of the Internet; Documents are like it's paper. To write on the Internet's paper, you have to own a printing press, and know how to operate it. (That is, own a server, and be an HTML tech, at least.) With wiki, this is no longer the case.