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Andrew Pierce, Ph.D. programmed this MobiWiki wiki engine in Python to address unmet needs in a wiki used for molecular protocols.
The source code to this wiki (tentatively 'MobiWiki' for 'Molecular Biology Wiki'), and all the wiki-file documents in this wiki are covered by the GNU General Public License. A tarball of the source (with the licence in the README file) is available at
- Features
- support superscripts, subscripts, greek (scientific) characters via unicode translation table, tables, free links
- allows different levels of write controls such that material with most restricted write access is at the top of each page, allowing text to migrate to the top as it becomes progressively refactored
- identifies potential duplicate page entries by searching page titles using a soundex phonetic search algorithm
- rapid-step navigation to previously viewed pages via title bar menu
- no Recent changes (Recent Changes Considered Harmful),
- no backlinks
- instant page deletion: click edit text, select all, delete, save
- no versioning (WikiNow)