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Arthur Wiki
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Founded by: unknown
Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: Fandom
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike
Main topic: Arthur
Backups: 2017-04-27

Wiki size: 5,585 article pages see stats

(As of: 2023-04-01)

Arthur Wiki, a Fandom TV community wiki site from Fandom, is an unofficial collaborative encyclopedia about the children's series Arthur and all related media. Arthur is a children's franchise that Marc Brown began in 1976 as a book series and later as a television series in 1996. Our mission at Arthur Wiki is to provide fans with the most complete guide available for Arthur information, complete with all the characters, locations, episodes, books, and countless other topics about the franchise. Arthur Wiki is a great way to not only have a lot of fun, but also learn more about the series. We hope to see you on Arthur Wiki!