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Status: Active
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: DokuWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial
Main topic: Cambridge
Wiki size: 163 article pages see stats

(As of: DD Month 2012) is the FAQ for the cam.* hierarchy of Usenet newsgroups which are for people living in or interested in the university city of Cambridge, England. They are not the universities' groups nor are they anything to with Cambridge, Mass or cameras; web, digital or otherwise (despite what the odd spammer would like to think).

The wiki attempts to answer some of the questions which come up periodically on the cam.* newsgroups.

A pointer to the URL of this wiki is posted fortnightly in all the cam.* groups.

The wiki also has an extensive community section titled 'Can anyone recommend a good ...?', whereby wiki users can ask specific questions such like the best place for servicing cars or the best chinese takeaway.