Club Penguin Fanon Wiki

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Club Penguin Fanon Wiki
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Founded by: Mariothemovie
Status: Dead
Language: English
Edit mode: LoginToEdit
Wiki engine: MediaWiki
Wiki license: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike
Main topic: Games
This Club Penguin Fanon Wiki has been dead (offline) since early 2022.
Wiki size: 5,425 article pages see stats

(As of: 2017-02-06)

The former Club Penguin Fanon Wiki was a fan fiction wiki that anyone can join and make characters, places, and stories based on the popular MMOG, Club Penguin. The wiki had its own world in that it contains Club Penguin Island and a multitude of other lands near and far inhabited by penguins and puffles.


On 2 September 2008[1] a user by the name Mariothemovie founded a small wiki on Wikia, which he named the Club Penguin Fan Fiction Wiki. The wiki grew quickly in size and soon contained such fabulous editors such as Dancing Penguin, Happyface414, Explorer 767, and TurtleShroom. Eventually Mariothemovie was impeached in December 2008 and the wiki moved off of Wikia in 2010, to become self-hosted.

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